The Bible tells us that life is essentially about relationships, with God and one another (Matthew 22:37-40). As followers of Jesus Christ, it is our privilege and responsibility to cultivate and nurture these relationships. At SPPC, one of the primary ways we seek to do this is through small groups called Community Groups.
What Is a Community Group?
A Community Group is a gathering of 6 to 12 people meeting in homes during the week for the purpose of worship, bible study, fellowship, prayer and outreach. Community Groups are designed to be places where spiritual growth can take place as the gospel motivates us towards a deeper dependence upon God and love for others. The primary goal for each Community Group meeting is to experience the presence and power of Jesus Christ, becoming more like Him in our character and conduct. We want Him to be at work in us by His Word and Spirit, and then through us to one another, to the end that people are cared for and encouraged to lead God-pleasing lives. Community Groups are the primary place for pastoral care at SPPC. They are places for Jesus to transform us, and through us, St. Petersburg and the world. Community Groups meet from mid-September to May. Please click here to sign up!